What is smudging?

What is smudging?

Why smudge? Smudging is the burning and smoke of special herbs, incense, plants, and or the use of aromatherapy to clear out any negative vibrations and replace them with positive ones. In the case of a smudge stick, the smoke and the vibration of the medium being burned incense, resin or special herbs is transmuting the negative energy and transforming it into cleansed energy.

What is a smudge stick?

A smudge stick is a bundle of herbs and plants that have been tied together to be used in smudging.

Smudging has been used for centuries to clear the air and create a peaceful and harmonious environment. There is no wrong or right way to smudge and it can be incorporated into your everyday rituals. It is used to cleanse a space, spirit, mind and body.

When using a smudge stick, we suggest breaking off portions of a smudge stick or bundle and placing it in a fire safe bowl, abalone shell, or caldron and lighting it. Use a feather to waft the smoke in the desired direction.

The use of Aromatherapy in Smudging

What is Aromatherapy? It is the systemized use of essential oils to promote well-being, for spirit, mind and body.

In our modern society we often perform rituals and are unaware of its essence lying just beneath the surface. The use of room sprays or the lighting of scented candles to set the mood or improve energetic landscape of our overall environment is modern day smudging.

Take care in the use of conventional room sprays or candles as they often contain toxic chemicals that mimic the original plant, herb, incense and resin one desires to fill their space. Only organic, wild crafted and natural aromatherapy products made from essential oils or whole plant products should be used. Otherwise you may invite unwanted toxic elements into your space.

In the case of aromatherapy or candle lighting with essential oils, the clearing effect can be the same as traditional smudging products minus the smoke.

Sacred Apothecary offers a variety of smudging options. Once that you have determined that you would like to smudge, consider these:

  1. Classic White Sage Smudge Stick
  2. Akashic Smudge Stick
  3. Lavender Combo Smudge Stick
  4. Sage & Cedar Smudge Stick
  5. Sweetgrass Smudge Stick
  6. Sweetgrass braids
  7. Smudge Starter kit
  8. Aromatherapy Smudging Options: Reiki Sage, Reiki Dragon blood resin or using a combination of essential oil blends. See our Aromatherapy section and inquire about custom blends and Reiki Candles.